What is Jingshen?

The common translation of the word Jingshen is spirit or spirituality. In Ren Xue it refers to the totality of the heart (Xin), consciousness, and True Self (Shen). These three components have close connection with one another and therefore can be seen as a unity. Jingshen is the term for this unity. 

Xin, the heart refers to the manifestations of the Shen and Qi of the heart, rather than the physical organ. It is the place where we perceive the feelings that the activities of our consciousness and Shen lead to. In its natural state Xin itself also has many innate qualities, including the five essential qualities – trust, openness, love, gratitude, and Gongjing (true respect). Those qualities can be felt in the heart and manifest as we relate to the outer world. 

Yi, the consciousness is the outward manifestation of Shen and comes about from the integration of Shen and the physical aspects of life, especially the brain and nervous system. Sometimes in Ren Xue teachings the words Shen-Yi (Unity of Shen and consciousness) or Shen-Yi-Ti (Shen, consciousness base) are used. 

Shen, the True Self is the source of the heart and consciousness. In physical terms it is based at the center of the head. It is strongly connected to and influences the Qi and the body, but it is in no way bound by the physical body.  

Your Jingshen has infinite potential, meaning your life can grow without limit. It is who you truly are. In a natural, healthy state, Jingshen is relaxed, calm, natural, unified, integrated, and harmonious. 


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