Our Global Ren Xue Community
‘I have every reason to believe that when we are on this path filled with determination and sincerity, we can expect to continually attain realization and wisdom. If more people participate, the world will be so much more hopeful and the future will be bright.’
Yuan Tze, Founder of Ren Xue
If you are in the position to give financially to support others, who may otherwise not be able to participate in Ren Xue teachings, you have the ability to give when you purchase an event or resource, or you can donate here. Or if you would simply like to support the work of REN XUE International you can through the DONATE NOW button below.
In 2021 REN XUE International received 145 separate donations, with many people giving multiple times. Through this we were able to share 150 opportunities to access financial assistance or a waiving of fees entirely for Yuan Tze online events and Teacher Training.
It is important to us that anyone can access the teachings of Ren Xue – so if cost is a barrier to you participating in accessing any Ren Xue resource that will help you progress in your journey, we encourage you to reach out and access the financial assistance supports we have in place. If you would like support to:
- attend an online event with Yuan Tze please email Chris on
- progress your teacher training please email Melissa on
- access our other learning resources please email