Full Moon Message

The Pattern of Polarized Thinking

Jun 4, 2023

The pattern of Polarized Thinking refers to viewing reality in a dualistic way. This simplified approach makes life easier. Polarized Thinking puts everything into one of two boxes: good or bad; right or wrong; should or shouldn’t. While this way of organising reality may make everything appear neat and tidy, it also creates problems.

What would be the problems? First, it doesn’t reflect the truth of reality. True reality is a totality. Everything is connected, forming an organic whole. Polarized judgments divide reality and create separation. What we judge as good or right becomes what we desire and what we judge as bad or wrong becomes what we dislike. Life becomes an endless game of pursuing what we desire and avoiding what we dislike. It is a treadmill that takes us nowhere, because even owning the whole world cannot eradicate misery from life.

What is even more harmful is the division between people. Polarizing Thinking often manifests as being judgmental, including toward people. We judge people according to our own values and expectations. Have you wondered why it is so easy to get trapped in woes of feeling disappointed or frustrated, or betrayed or fooled, or misunderstood or mistreated? Why is that anger, resentment, and even hatred can be such common experiences in humanity?

The universe doesn’t sort itself out in a polarized way. It is a place where every object and being exists and develops according to the laws of the universe. The ecosystem of Earth does not judge anything as good or bad. It accommodates all that nature creates in the way that supports the balance of the system, so everyone can get a fair chance to thrive. In this system everything is constantly changing and transforming and playing its role, no matter what the stage of its transformation. Nature doesn’t judge the excrement of an animal as bad. It is a part of nature and has its role to play.

How can we begin to transform the pattern of Polarized Thinking? Instead of getting busy passing black-and-white judgments, we can embrace every moment in a non-judgmental way. How does it work? By relating to the world from a unified state. If we can be relaxed and calm and connect with our hearts without any condition, we will be able to experience reality in its totality. We will be able to see things for what they are and see no need to put them into boxes. The judgments we make will be based on the laws of the universe. In other words, clarity will emerge. We will see in what ways life is out of alignment with the laws and do what we can to re-align.

There will be much more balance, harmony, and beauty in life when we remove the filter that blocks out all colour.

Yuan Tze


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