The Time is Now
Together We Can Make a Difference
Help us share Ren Xue with the world!
As the world becomes increasingly unstable and humanity is faced with all sorts of crises and challenges, the pathway Ren Xue offers to address these problems at the root level in order to bring true peace and harmony to individuals and the world becomes more and more urgent.
To get Ren Xue and its tools out further, all while continuing to take those already on the journey deeper, we need the necessary resources. If this cause resonates with your heart and you would like to contribute financially, however big or small, it would mean a lot to us.
REN XUE International and the five continental organizations are working together to coordinate a global fundraising campaign to support Ren Xue across the globe. Your gift to any of the organizations to support their work would be greatly appreciated.

Together we can make a difference
REN XUE Africa
As the youngest ‘continental’ organization within Ren Xue, REN XUE Africa is growing steadily via new practitioners and teachers. We are extremely excited and motivated for further growth through many nationwide workshops in 2023. Read more
REN XUE of the Americas
REN XUE of the Americas helps people discover Yuan Gong and Ren Xue. Our high-quality films give Ren Xue global visibility. Read more
REN XUE Australasia
REN XUE Australasia aims to promote Ren Xue in its mission to ‘uplift ourselves and the lives of others’. To do this we work to support and grow its teachers and to unify and strengthen the Ren Xue community in Australasia. Read more
REN XUE Europe
REN XUE Europe is working to make Ren Xue teachings accessible across the continent with particular focus on translating Ren Xue content to its diverse set of languages. Read more
REN XUE International
REN XUE International safeguards and fosters the growth and development of Ren Xue and its community of teachers, practitioners and organizations. Read more
choose from our ren xue organizations

REN XUE Africa (South Africa)
The Challenge
Africa is a highly diverse and vast continent and has unique and sometimes serious problems that Ren Xue can readily help to transform and uplift. Separate from these challenges, wisdom teachings from the ‘East’ have had little penetration, so it is essential and urgent to develop a culturally broad-based teacher and student community to establish a good understanding of Ren Xue and its ability to uplift life independent of age, ethnicity, religion, or life context.
Our Mission
Beyond maintaining the stability of our young, not-for-profit organization based in Johannesburg, South Africa, our small team is currently working hard to build a broad practitioner community and committed teacher base that can expand throughout Southern Africa. We are also moving to teach Yuan Qigong in schools and expand more broadly into our varied socio-economic contexts. This will provide the momentum to move upwards into the rest of the African continent in a natural and organic way.
We are inspired by a permaculture principle that references the potency of life force that builds within a system that is nurtured close to the ways of Nature and then ‘explodes’ outward beyond its margins, seeding itself in balanced and self-sustaining ways: ‘implosion to explosion‘! If we take diligent care of what is small, the expansion will be dynamic and natural.
How will we do this?
In the short term, we are rapidly increasing the number of workshops scheduled throughout the country in 2023, which involves travel over large distances, venue hire, materials, promotional videos, and marketing. We need funding to support daily operations, these workshop costs, and to contribute towards the time and costs for the people involved in making this intensive growth phase possible.
Our medium-term vision is to establish a dedicated South African retreat centre for classes, workshops, teacher training, and the myriad ways Ren Xue can actively engage with the local community. This project would require substantial capital but be the essential next step in grounding Ren Xue on the African continent.
Donating to REN XUE Africa
Please visit our website and go to the Donate page to view the once-off and regular monthly donation options.
We are in the process of applying for tax-deductible donations status for gifts from those living in South Africa. Please be in touch with us via the contact form on our Donate page, if you are wanting to discuss an offer of a more substantial gift, for which we would be most grateful.
Our pledge is that every cent goes directly towards the growth of REN XUE Africa whilst always abiding by our not-for-profit status.
More Info & Contact
Email – louise.pannell@gmail.com
Website – www.renxueafrica.org

REN XUE of the Americas
The time is now! The world desperately needs the wisdom that Ren Xue offers. But how can we reach people? RXA has found the key: develop professional content and deliver it through our Ren Xue TV YouTube channel.
Since launching Ren Xue TV, our videos have had more than half a million views. Our documentary film alone enjoyed 360,000+ views. But even more importantly, viewers are finding teachers, buying courses, attending events and signing up to become teachers!
Our Biggest Challenge
We are blessed with amazing video production and distribution teams, many of whom volunteer their time and expertise. Nonetheless, professional content comes at a price.
We need financial support to develop and distribute two new videos: (1) A new inspiring film produced by the Already Free team; and, (2) Yuan Tze: The Middle Years.
Our Pledge
In partnership with you, we will continue to develop formats that introduce Ren Xue to the widest possible audience. We will do our best to present Ren Xue in authentic, relatable ways. Then, those who feel called can join us.
Donating to REN XUE of the Americas
Please visit our website to contribute. We accept credit cards, PayPal, wire transfers and checks.
Gifts from those living in the United States are tax deductible.
Thank you so very much!!
More Info
Website: www.renxueamericas.org

REN XUE Australasia
The Challenge
To further our development as an organization we need resources to help us in building foundations and building capacity for our teachers. Just like building foundations in ourselves, building the foundations of our organization will help us be strong and healthy for years to come. Now is the time for us to develop our systems and processes so that we can support the work of the teachers in Australasia to uplift themselves and help others do the same.
Our Mission
1. To promote harmony – with ourselves, with our families, with society, with nature.
2. To uplift ourselves and help others to do the same by promoting Ren Xue in Australasia.
We need your help to:
- Support our current Ren Xue teachers in their work to uplift themselves and the lives of others and promote Ren Xue.
- Grow and support our teacher community to provide more avenues for sharing Ren Xue.
- Creating spaces and structures to promote Ren Xue and strengthen its community including communications, website, social media.
- Create the governance and accounting structures that allow us to grow safely.
- Support initiatives to promote and develop Ren Xue.
How you can give to REN XUE Australasia
Donations can be received via bank transfer, please see our website for details.
More Info & Contact
Website – www.renxueaustralasia.org
Email – info@renxueaustralasia.org

REN XUE Europe
The Challenge
Sharing Ren Xue across the European continent comes with its unique challenges. Europe consists of forty-four countries, and more than two hundred spoken languages, only twenty-four of which are official. The scale of work and resources required to support our efforts in our outreach across Europe is immeasurable. Thanks to the volunteering efforts of some of our devoted Ren Xue teachers and practitioners the first steps on this community climb have begun.
Our Mission
Ren Xue affiliates have already been established in six different European countries with another to join the team in the coming months. While the time and effort of many teachers and students within their respective regions have enabled people to receive the teachings in their native languages, more work is needed to reach the diverse European population and to facilitate more accessibility to the teachings for those who do not have a sufficient grasp of the English language. In short, our mission is to reach as many people as possible by translating Ren Xue materials (books, online courses, teacher trainings, retreats, and videos) to establish sound understanding and growth in all language regions.
Ways you can help us?
1. Ren Xue Europe intends to pilot a new approach to running events during the 2023 retreat in France with Yuan Tze. We are investing in equipment to provide translation to native speaking participants. The live translation will be transmitted to individual earpieces for those native attendees needing a translation from English to their native language. Your contribution towards this equipment would be incredibly supportive.
2. Considering the socially challenging events that have developed in Europe in recent months, Ren Xue Europe would greatly appreciate your help is supporting people to attend the upcoming retreat with Yuan Tze in France, May 2023. Offering your financial support can enable many Europeans who have been affected economically as a result of these developments and otherwise may miss the opportunity to learn directly from Yuan Tze in a nourishing and supportive retreat environment.
How you can give to REN XUE Europe
Please visit our website to offer your contribution. We accept payments via credit/debit cards, bank transfers and PayPal.
Thank you so very much for supporting our efforts to reach our enormously diverse continent.
More Info & Contact
Website – www.renxueeurope.org
Email – info@renxueeurope.org

REN XUE International
The Challenge
Ren Xue turned 20 years old this year. Though we have come an incredible distance, the need for extensive infrastructure is real in order for us to bring fundamental change to humanity at the scale required to effectively address the challenges humanity faces.
Our Mission
REN XUE International’s mission is to safeguard and foster the growth and development of Ren Xue and its community of practitioners, teachers, and organizations.
We need your help to:
- Support Ren Xue’s founder, Yuan Tze, in the ongoing development and delivery of Ren Xue teachings.
- Support and connect our global community of Ren Xue practitioners, teachers and affiliate organizations through Yuan Tze events, our Learn REN XUE website, and community social media forums.
- Oversee the Ren Xue Teacher Program, including the delivery of teacher training, support for the ongoing development of teachers and teachers-in-training, and partnering for affiliate-led teacher training.
- Support the healthy development of Ren Xue globally through coordination, capacity building, research, and best practice standards.
How you can give to REN XUE International
One-off gifts, monthly or annual donations, bequests/legacy gifts – via credit card, Paypal and direct bank transfer. All via our Learn REN XUE website.
More Info & Contact
Website – www.renxueinternational.org.nz
Email – info@renxueinternational.org
REN XUE International is a registered Charitable Trust in New Zealand, our Charities Service Registration Number is CC56324
There are also regional Ren Xue affiliates working hard to support the growth and the development of Ren Xue. At this stage in our fundraising efforts they are not specifically included here, but we do intend to move towards that over time. In the meantime, if you want to support a local effort – check out the Regional Organizations here and contact them directly.
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